Weekend at the Cabin
So the last post was my lengthy reflection on returning to Minnesota as a visitor.
This post is about the fun part of the trip home. Back in the land of 10,000 lakes, I spent a couple days at a little resort near Brainerd with the Toeniskoetter clan. We did exactly what we were supposed to do at a cabin: played board games and card games: swam, boated, fished and lazed around; ate too much; drank too much; and exchanged insults and pulled practical jokes on each other.

I had brought a magnetic Obama for President bumper sticker with me. While Jane’s conservative Republican brother was running into town for goodies, we slapped that puppy on his Intrepid, then lurked behind the bushes waiting for his reaction. He didn’t disappoint.
Here is a photo of Jane eating her sister-in-law’s patented “Cookie salad.” Yes, California friends, this passes for salad in Minnesota, and can be found at family gatherings and church basements around the state. The ingredients are Cool Whip, vanilla pudding, canned mandarin orange sections, and chocolate covered graham crackers. It was served in the tasteful jumbo-sized yellow Tupperware bowl. And note that Jane washes it down with an approved accompaniment, Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
Jane wants it noted that this is a “diet” salad because it is made with Cool Whip Lite and sugar-free Jello pudding, and the chocolate-covered graham crackers are Snackwells brand. Personally, I think any salad that contains cookies just doesn’t qualify as diet anything, especially when it’s served in a two-gallon tub. But Jane is the boss and I had to comply.
There were 28 Toeniskoetters and associated hangers-on at the place; we had 7 of the 11 cabins at the resort. We ate our dinners together, each cabin preparing one evening’s meal. It was always something good for a crowd, like tacos or spaghetti, washed down with one of the following approved accompaniments: hard lemonade, Grain Belt, Leinie’s. If you have to ask about those last two, you are not from Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Dave relaxes in the shade as grandson Loren exhibits the approved “big baby-head flop” while snoozing in his stroller