Window Seat

Icebergs in the North Atlantic. When I first caught sight of a couple in the ocean I thought they were ships. Nope. Ice! It's been over a week since I returned from Italy via Iceland. When I got back there were a lot of things to take care of, but now I'm taking a few minutes today to reflect and wind up this chapter of the blog. The trip home was a visual delight. I took off about 5 pm Iceland time and flying west, chased the sunlight until landing in Minnesota at around 7 pm Central time. I always try to book a window seat. For the cartographer in me the view from the plane is a glimpse of the world map in real time. This trip didn't disappoint. The east coast of Greenland. What a delight to be able to see where glaciers met the ocean. At first I thought there was a settlement on the coast, but no, all those white things were icebergs. Once we'd cleared some clouds west of Iceland, I started to see icebergs in the North Atlantic below. They increased in frequency a...