Pineapple Express

Help! Pineapple alert! The evening news was all a-twitter about the pending storm, a Pineapple Express carrying loads of moisture across the Pacific from Hawaii. San Francisco and Oakland public schools shut down in anticipation of flooding and power outages. Several friends called or emailed us to remind us to stay safe. In the middle of the night it started to rain, and the wind picked up. It rained hard; it blew. But seriously, it just wasn't that big a deal. Gauss's planned meeting with an old client was canceled because she was afraid to drive. We decided to go to SF and play tourist, so we went to the San Bruno BART station and bought tickets. Parking was a little confusing so before we entered the turnstiles we hailed the station agent, whose back was turned to us. When he turned around, we were all shocked: Eddie from the running club!! He was no longer running due to an injury so we hadn't seen him on recent trips. He had no idea we would be in the Bay ...