Carrying Chickens to Candia
Our cargo We set off for the small town of Candia Lomellina where Eduardo and Anna’s daughter, Francesca (Franci) lives. It wasn’t just a visit, we had a mission: to transport three special French chickens to her home. If it were December, we would have been singing “Three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree” as we drove. Franci keeps chickens and discovered the hard way—when she forgot to close them into the coop for the night—that her fenced enclosure for the birds wouldn’t keep out a determined fox. When we released the chickens into the yard, we made her promise to shut them into the coop every night. Gauss releases the chickens into the yard Eduardo drove us there on the state highways instead of the autostrade but the chickens didn’t much care for the many roundabouts on our route. Each time he took a corner or braked—which was often, this being Italy—there was concerned peeping from the back of the car. Franci and Alberto's coun...