Long Time No See

It's 2011 and we've been back in Minnesota for almost two years. The first several months were hard. We missed our California friends and work was still scarce. A few months after our return, our COBRA ran out and we had to buy health insurance on the open market...which isn't open if you have a "medical history." And if you are over 50, you ARE a medical history. We bought into Minnesota's High Risk Pool, and for $600 a month we get the privilege of paying the first $20,000 in medical expenses out of pocket each year. The good news is that in the last year, work has steadily increased for both Gauss and me, to the point where we are both really busy and our income is up. And at the two-year point after Gauss's surgery, he remains cancer free. His doc here says he won't need to come back for a PSA test for another year, and according to our life insurance salesman, the insurance companies consider a clear PSA a year after cancer to be the same risk as...